The Daily UI Challenge entails receiving a daily design assignment via email from Monday to Friday for 100 days. For example:
"Create a sign-up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, a giveaway, or anything you can imagine."
With this information, you have the freedom to create your own design.
I embarked on this challenge to gain more experience with a wide range of design elements, such as forms, wizards, landing pages, and much more.
Highlighted below are some of the works:
Mobile sign up form
Designed a sign-up flow for a Yoga application. In this flow, users can sign up using various options, such as Facebook, Google, and email. Step-by-step, you navigate through the wizard to collect all the necessary information for an optimal user experience of the app.
Credit Card Checkout design
Designed a checkout flow for a webshop. Don't worry, all the information is fake.
Nintendo landing page
Redesigned the landing page of Nintendo, prioritizing the latest releases with the highest importance.